Loud de Drew Afualo

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Date de parution : 08.2024
Format : Relié
Nombre de pages : 256
Résumé : The empowering, inspiring, patriarchy-smashing first book by the TikTok and Spotify star Drew Afualo. Drew Afualo is best known as the internet''s ''Crusader for Women'' and is at the head of a new generation of entertainment''s rising stars, with more than nine million followers across her social platforms. She soon realized that men on social media were creating sexist content aimed at disparaging women, and also containing rampant fatphobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry with very real-life consequences. It didn''t take long for her to step into the role of unofficial watchdog for misogyny, and her signature laugh is now recognized as a feminist call to arms. Loud is part manual, part manifesto and part memoir. It is a summoning cry to rid the internet (and our hearts, minds, and lives) of terrible men and create a space to fight outdated patriarchal ideals. Above all, it makes it clear that behind Drew''s fearsome laugh is a mission and a life philosophy, a strategy for self-confidence from the inside out, and a pathway to once and for all remove men from the centre of how women and fems think about themselves.
Plus d’information
Réf. 001-9781529921618
EAN 9781529921618
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