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Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives de Nick Rozanski

82.30 CHF
Date de parution : 10.2011
Format : Relié
Nombre de pages : 704
Résumé : Software Systems Architecture, Second Edition is a highly regarded, practitioner-oriented guide to designing and implementing effective architectures for information systems. It is both a readily accessible introduction to software architecture and an invaluable handbook of well-established best practices.   With this book you will learn how to Design and communicate an architecture that reflects and balances the different needs of its stakeholders Focus on architecturally significant aspects of design, including frequently overlooked areas such as performance, resilience, and location Use scenarios and patterns to drive the creation and validation of your architecture Document your architecture as a set of related views   Reflecting new standards and developments in the field, this new edition extends and updates much of the content, and Adds a “system context viewpoint” that documents the system’s interactions with its environment Expands the discussion of architectural principles, showing how they can be used to provide traceability and rationale for architectural decisions Explains how agile development and architecture can work together Positions requirements and architecture activities in the project context Presents a new lightweight method for architectural validation   Whether you are an aspiri...
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Réf. 001-9780321718334
EAN 9780321718334
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