The End of Gender de Debra Soh

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Date de parution : 08.2021
Format : Broché
Nombre de pages : 336
Résumé : “[Soh’s] new book, The End of Gender, lays out with exceptional care not just why we have got into the current impasse, but how we might get out of it.” — Douglas Murray,  The London Times “By far the best I’ve read on this topic.” —Michael Shermer, PhD, Presidential Fellow at Chapman University and New York Times bestselling author of  Giving the Devil His Due “Very, very good. Quite feminist, very liberal, highly compassionate, thoroughly evidence-based, utterly reasonable.” —Helen Pluckrose, editor in chief of  Areo Magazine  and author of  Cynical Theories “An easy-to-read introduction to the various current debates over sex, gender, and transgender. Soh also covers adjacent topics, such [as] autogynephilia and research on the origins of sexual orientation.” —Ray Blanchard, PhD, Full Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and researcher in sexual orientation, paraphilias, and gender dysphoria “[A] beautifully calm, rational and precision-guided dissection…her exposé will fall like rain on parched earth.” —Barbara Kay, The Post Millennial "Sex and gender are always gripping topics, and  The End of Gender  does not disappoint. Debra Soh has given us a lucid explanation of the latest science and politics of men and women. And she fearlessly pushes back against the notion that the only way to advance equality is to scramble biology, language, and common sense, and to intimidate anyone who doesn’t go along." —Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and the author of  The Blank Slate  and  Enlightenment Now "Dr. Debra Soh's book is not only eminently reasonable and beautifully-written, it is brave and vital. Rooted in data but accessible to the common person, this is the rare book that can only be labeled 'must-read.'" —Ben Shapiro, #1 New York Times bestselling author, Editor-in-Chief of  The Daily Wire , and Host of "The Ben Shapiro Show" "The longer that academic science suppresses its carefully constructed knowledge about the biology of sex in deference to a rapidly mutating set of political taboos, the less claim it will have to public respect or attention.  It is to be hoped that Debra Soh’s  The End of Gender  inspires more scientists to stand up to the ideological myths around sex and gender in defense of scientific truth." —Heather Mac Donald, Thomas W. Smith fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of  The Diversity Delusion .  "There is no more treacherous topic on the current intellectual landscape than the biological basis of gender. The fearless Dr. Debra Soh is an expert guide navigating the jungle of umbrella categories like "Trans" and "LGBTQx" to let us know how they are informed by our scientific understanding of biology. If you are genuinely interested beyond sloganeering about the eternal braid of gender, sexuality and biology, then this book is required reading." —Eric R Weinstein, PhD, Managing Director at Thiel Capital and Host of  The Portal "Debra Soh's clearly written book walks the reader through the science and politics of sex and gender research. Her discussion is accessible, balanced and thoughtful and will advance the study of how biological and social factors interact in the development of sex and gender." —Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University
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Réf. 001-9781982132521
EAN 9781982132521
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